Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
Get the Support and Help You
Need to Succeed! For FREE!

When the Covid-19 shut down the United States, Jean Kuhn, started The Strategy Sphere, a FREE program for small business owners, and entrepreneurs who didn't see a way to continue to earn an income.

This group has been going non-stop, 5 days a week, Monday through Friday, since March 23, 2020, and there is no end in sight.

Those that first came to The Strategy Sphere were scared and ridiculed for trying to make money by trolls on social media. They felt lost, confused, and alone.

This group is now packed with "cream of the crop" business owners, who show up and shine as leaders in their industry because their competition didn't have any support or anyone who cared if they made money or not.
Jean Kuhn Cared!

The Strategy Sphere is a FREE Program that provides you with daily support: the strategies you should be taking, 24/7 support, resources, tips, tools, and hacks to keep you and your business moving forward Monday-Friday.

Jean knows what you are thinking about...

  • When are things going back to normal?
  • Is my family going to be ok?
  • How am I going to pay my bills?
  • When is this going to end?
  • How do I keep my business?
  • How do I get new clients during this time? or can I?

Here is what Jean knows for sure:

You will come out of this ok if you are strategic in what you do.

If you stay focused on your business and not use this time to "catch up" on work that you haven't been able to get too, you will be ok.

If you stay positive and not complain about how bad everything is, and how you aren't making enough money, you will be ok.

If you join the Strategy Sphere, Jean will give you the hard answers, and tell you the truth about what you are doing wrong, and how to fix it. You will then be ok.

Join The Strategy Sphere

What's it going to be?

Rebound & Recover or Wait for Another $1200 Government Check?

  • Stockpile food and toilet paper and wait for people to call you? Or be proactive, and continue to help people with a solution only you can provide?
  • For every 7 days you are not working, it will take 21 days to return to where you were. If you have been out of work since March 17th, 2020, you now are going to need 378 days to recover. That is over a year! And there is no end in sight. And the country is talking about another shut-down in August.
  • Stick with us, a community that cares about you and your success. A place where you can come every day, 5 days a week for motivation, inspiration, and elevation. A place of like-minded business owners. And a business strategist who can answer your questions and give you strategies for your business.
  • Jean cares for small business owners, because she has been one for over 35 years, and knows all too well the pitfalls business owners see on a daily basis.
  • You are in the right place!
  • Show Up, Speak Up and "Grow-Up" your business.

About Jean Kuhn

Jean Kuhn has been an entrepreneur for 35 years.

In 2002, Jean purchased her first bankrupt business, a franchise, and single-handedly turned it around in the first 12 months, adding $100,000 to the bottom line.

Four years later Jean bought a second bankrupt franchise and turned it around in less than 12 months, again adding $100,000 to the bottom line.

Jean now helps other business owners increase their cash flow FAST! She expertly guides you through the roads of entrepreneurship, helping you avoid the potholes, pitfalls, and distractions that are business.

Jean has helped her clients hit 6 and 7 figures by providing support, consulting, tools and strategies that help them increase their business, marketing, and sales skills. 

Join the Strategy Sphere Now!

The Details You Want to Know

  • Daily strategies from Jean: so you always know what you should be doing 5-days a week Monday-Friday.
  • 5:00 am Accountability Club: for the early risers, you can jump-start your day with some positivity, inspiration, and motivation. Meet on Zoom at 5:00 a.m., CST, announce your win from the previous day, what you will accomplish for the day, and what you need. Then post in the Facebook group at the end of the day if you hit your goal.
  • 24/7 Support: A private Facebook group so you can don't have to wait for "business hours." (Jean and others) will be monitoring the group to provide you help round the clock
  • A private one-on-one strategy call with Jean: for the support, you need in your business
  • Weekly guest speakers, that have info every small business owner needs.

The First Law of Stratospheric Success states:

"Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment."
~ The Go-Giver, by Bob Burg & John David Mann

Jean has provided well over $10,000 of value to the group since March 23, 2020, and it is all archived inside the private Facebook group for you to use.

Your Investment = FREE

Dear Business Owner:

I have been supporting business owners for over 30 years.

I know what you are going through right now. I know what you are thinking. I understand the fear and I know I can help you right now.

We, small business owners, ARE THE ECONOMY, it's our job to not only maintain our economy but help those around us maintain theirs.

None of us knows how long this virus is going to last, but what I do know is, things will be changing quickly. What you are doing now will determine your success or failure. If you aren't changing you are losing. Losing out on revenue, losing out on opportunity, and cheating your clients out of what that need you most...YOU!

Join The Strategy Sphere Now for the Support You Need